Centre for Legal Education

Desperately seeking Johnny Utah…

In the third of a series of posts on the challenges of designing vocational skills training during a pandemic, Helen Taylor (Senior Lecturer at Nottingham Law School) discusses the skill of staying positive in challenging situations: In the Christmas break, I caught up with a film I had not seen in a long time…Point Break. […]

Simulated Clients

How the experiences of medical professional education can help the development of young legal professionals In terms of professional development, it is often a good idea to turn one’s head to the professions of others to see if lessons can be learned and practice developed that may lead or enhance what we have now. The […]

Talking about your own experiences and values is vital to wellbeing

Helen Taylor, Senior Lecturer at Nottingham Law School, continues her series of articles on the integration of professional identity in professional skills courses: Quite a step from Point Break from my last post but this week I have been reminded of the quotation from John Updike “celebrity is a mask that eats into the face”. […]

Using SCALE UP in law

Pamela Henderson led the spring Legal Education Group meeting by reporting on the challenges of adapting the SCALE UP model to the legal context. SCALE UP was designed by Bob Beichner in the USA as a response to the comparative passivity of the standard lecture and seminar module as then used in Physics.  As well […]