Centre for Legal Education

Chinese University of Hong Kong’s  Law School celebrated its 10th anniversay in June 2016 by holding a conference that Paul Maharg, Jane Ching and PhD student Yingxiang Long were delighted to participate in.

Paul, who has blogged about the event, probably had the greatest range in his keynote paper ranging from the medieval glossators to modern webpages. Jane called for designers of professional qualificaiton frameworks to talk to each other, rather than inventing wheels in isolation, and Yingxiang presented some of her findings about the skills needed by (mainland) Chinese lawyers for internal commercial practice, as well as making a heartfelt contribution in a plenary debate.

We encountered old friends and made new ones, in a confere

CHUK Law School 10th anniversay conference

CHUK Law School 10th anniversay conference

nce population that included representatives from Hong Kong, the UK, USA, India, Canada, Australia and elsewhere.  We also learned about the challenges facing those working in Myanmar (Burma) and setting up not simply a law school, but a legal profession, in Bhutan.  Our best wishes to our colleagues at CHUK.  Many, many cheerful photos of the event on the CHUK website, but just for the record, here we are.  Paul on front row, third from left (blue tie), Jane on front row (white trousers) and Yingxiang also on front row, far right (dark suit).