Centre for Legal Education

Flora is a new lecturer to NLS having previously lectured in Law at the University of Westminster, Law School, Birkbeck Law School, University of London and University of Derby Business School.

With a background in service industries, the Inland Revenue and director of several companies, she was a mid-life graduate of NTU. She went on to do the Bar course, an LLM in Intellectual Property Law and subsequently cross qualified as a solicitor.

Her experience in teaching law ranges from further education, foundation, undergraduate and postgraduate courses, with a focus on Equity and Trust, Contract, Tort law and more recently Mental Health law.

She founded the only private UK company to develop an Erasmus Partnership project  [ LAWTREE] funded by the EU and dedicated to providing English law training to Spanish and  German Lawyers in Spain and cooperinge with Spanish partners to develop in country legal training to disabled and able bodied English lawyers and trainees in Spain and other EU countries.

Her interests include legal education, regulation and res judicata.