Centre for Legal Education

As last time, a lot to report!

Pamela has received the NTU Vice-Chancellor’s Teaching Award for 2015/16John received the Association of Law Teachers Lifetime Achievement Award for Contribution to Legal Education. Louise is completing her TILT sabbatical on portfolio assessment.

Paul was confirmed as Visiting Professor for a second term, University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law.  He was also appointed as Visiting Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.  Paul also edited a special edition of the Law Teacher on law and technology.

Janice has been appointed to the Organising Committee of the European Intellectual Property Teachers’ Network (EIPTN), the Europe-wide association of academics involved in the research and teaching of IP law.

Jane Jarman has been working with the Jubilee Centre at Birmingham University http://jubileecentre.ac.uk/1654/character-in-the-professions-law in relation to a project that they are leading in relation to character and virtue education in medicine, law, teaching and also, as a recent addition, the armed services. Trialling of the resources with NLS students will begin soon.

CLE members and postgraduate research students have participated ina wide range of conferences including the Association of Law Teachers Annual Conference in March and the Chinese University of Hong Kong’s 10th Anniversary conference in June.